Featured Resources
Toolkit:A guide to starting and running an AuthorAID journal club
In this guide, we outline the steps to starting and running your own AuthorAID journal club and share learning from our existing journal clubs.
Toolkit:AuthorAID Research Writing Toolkit
Resources to run a participatory research writing workshop at your institution.
Video:"Get Lit: The Literature Review"
Video of presentation on preparing the literature review section of a thesis or dissertation. One of the most popular videos on our online research writing courses
Toolkit:Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education Toolkit
This toolkit has been developed for facilitators who are interested in introducing gender mainstreaming in higher education in order to challenge gender inequality.
Toolkit:AuthorAID Training of Trainers toolkit
Resources to run a training of trainers in research writing workshop at your institution.
Resource Library
Course:Writing in boxes for scientific journals e-learning.
JPHMP have developed a FREE online learning module.
Toolkit:The CSTE Scientific Writing Toolkit.
This toolkit provides resources and guidance supportive of scientific writing practices for applied epidemiologists.
Web resource:Statistical Tools for High-throughput Data Analysis (STHDA).
STHDA webpage offers a variety of resources.
Article:How to avoid a desk reject, Anne Harzing
In this useful series Anne Harzing provides seven practical steps to avoid desk reject.
Web resource:Fair and equitable research partnerships for international development research, Christian Aid
Resrouces designed to help academics, NGOs, CSOs and research brokers put principles for fair and equitable research partnerships into practice.
Web resource:Research Data Management and Sharing, University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh, MOOC content.
Web resource:Statistics, Unlocking the World of Data, University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh, MOOC content.
Book:Communicating science, A Global perspective.
Communicating science, A Global perspective, free download.
Book:Research Ethics for Students in the Social Sciences
Research Ethics for Students in the Social Sciences, Open Access textbook.
Web resource:Open Academics, Resources.
Open Academics resources and tools for academic writing.