Resource Library
Course:Writing in boxes for scientific journals e-learning.
JPHMP have developed a FREE online learning module.
Course:"Scientific and Technical Writing"
"This course describes the different steps required to produce a scientific or technical project publication, from development to dissemination of the final document. It also explains principles for writing, structuring the text and creating illustrations, and provides guidance on distribution channels and promotion methods.
The course will help you:
The course will help you:
- Conduct and plan your publication project by identifying necessary activities and resources
- Identify information sources, access the required information, and manage your reference list with appropriate software
- Apply the basic rules of scientific and technical writing, organize and support your arguments, structure and illustrate your points
- Choose the right journal in which to publish and follow the stages to submit an article to a journal
- Write a technical extension document: technical data sheet, technical manual, posters
Disseminate and promote your scientific publication
Duration: 31 hours
Publication Date: June 2016"
Self-paced course from FAO. Collaborators included INASP. Adapted from a course in French.
Course:"Rédiger et publier un document scientifique ou technique"
- à élaborer et planifier un projet de publication en évaluant les activités et les moyens nécessaires
- à identifier les sources d’information, à accéder à l’information recherchée, et à gérer sa bibliographie avec un logiciel adapté
- à appliquer les règles de base de la rédaction scientifique et technique, et à organiser, argumenter, structurer et illustrer son propos
- à choisir la revue dans laquelle publier et à respecter les étapes de soumission d’un article à une revue
- à réaliser un document de vulgarisation technique : fiche technique, manuel technique, poster
- à diffuser sa publication scientifique et à la promouvoir
Durée : 31 heures
Date de publication : Novembre 2013"
Course:Open online course in research writing (October 2016)
Open course for early career researchers in developing countries: 18 October to 28 November 2016
Course:Online Course in Science Journalism
Set of 10 lessons. Developed by the World Federation of Science Journalists in close cooperation with SciDev.Net. Available in multiple languages.
Course:Online Course in Research Writing 2016 - announcement and instructions
Online Course in Research Writing 2016 - announcement and instructions
Course:Research Data Management and Sharing
MOOC (massive open online course) offered through Coursera.