A global network of researchers


The AuthorAID community includes over 14,000 researchers from all over the world. Find out how to engage with other members and how to be an active member of our community here:


Are you looking for a research partner or someone to discuss your work? Perhaps you are simply looking for a bit of advice or the opinion of someone in your field. With a network of over 14,000 researchers from around the world, we're sure you will be able to find what you are looking for.


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Get involved

Many of AuthorAID’s members contribute to the community in various ways. Find out here how you can get involved and use your skills to develop AuthorAID further. Your contributions could help many other researchers around the world, and can be recognised on your AuthorAID profile.

Find out more about how you can get involved

Discussion and collaboration

The AuthorAID Google group is an online area intended as a friendly forum for researchers in low- and middle income countries to discuss and ask questions concerning research communication, research collaboration, and funding opportunities. The forums also host a research collaboration area.


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