A global network of researchers

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AuthorAID webinar: Grant Proposal Writing

- | GMT+00:00 United Kingdom Time | Online - Zoom

Join AuthorAID for a webinar discussion on proposal writing. Our experienced keynote speakers will let you in on their experience and share tips and advice.

Followed by short talks by …

Tea time with AuthorAID: My Wellness as a Researcher

- | GMT+00:00 United Kingdom Time | Online- Zoom

AuthorAID presents an online networking event where members of the AuthorAID community can meet, network, and give each other advice on all things research, writing, and publishing.

This month's theme: …

Tea time with AuthorAID: Scholarly Reflection of 2022

- | GMT+00:00 United Kingdom Time | Online- Zoom

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AuthorAID presents an online networking event where members of the AuthorAID community can meet, network, and give each other advice on all things research, writing, and publishing.

This month's theme: …

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