A global network of researchers

Hybrid Workshop on Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

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Workshop on Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Event will be hybrid - in person (at Infectious Diseases Insititute, Makerere Unviersity, Uganda), and on Zoom.

Additional Information:

African Community for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (ACSRM), AuthorAID, African Center for Systematic Reviews and Knowledge Translation, and Cochrane Kenya present a Workshop on Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.

Infectious Diseases Insititute, Makerere Unviersity, Uganda (main University Campus)

Workshop Introductory Session: 13th September on Zoom

To register for in-person or virtual participation, please follow the link https://bit.ly/srmworkshopmakerere23

Registration deadline:September 14th, 2023

See the ACSRM website for more information

Contact Email:
Event Website:
Event types:
Research writing