Resource Library
Presentation:Erstellen von Postern und Präsentationen
Von Barbara Gastel; übersetzt von Vera M. Eulenberg.
Book:"The Pathway to Publishing: A Guide to Quantitative Writing in the Health Sciences"
Openly accessible guide by medical epidemiologist Steve Luby and scientific writing specialist Dorothy Southern. 115 pages. Based on experience teaching public health scientists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Also largely applicable to scientific writing in other disciplines.
Presentation:Questions and Answers on Poster and Oral Presentations
Presentation from workshop at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Faculty of Medicine.
Presentation:Preparing Winning Poster and Oral Presentations
PowerPoint presentation on basics of preparing effective poster presentations and oral presentations.
Web resource:"Using PowerPoint to Shine on Stage"
Advice on delivering a PowerPoint presentation. From Science Careers.
Video:Creating Effective Poster Presentations
Website on designing and giving poster presentations.
Video:"How to Give a Science Flash Talk"
Advice for giving a 3-minute talk presenting science in an engaging, easy-to-understand way. Source: SciDev.Net.
Infographic:"Tips for Designing Better Research Posters"
Infographic presenting advice on various aspects of poster design, including planning, layout, text, photos and graphics, color, and software.
Presentation:Effective Mentorship in Research Communication: A Case-Based Workshop
From a workshop at the University of Colombo Faculty of Medicine.
Oral and Poster Presentations: Top Tips
Set of 50 tips on giving oral presentations and poster presentations.