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15879 researchers were found who match your query.


Location: India

Subjects: Healthcare

Collaboration interests: Public Health research, Multicentric research studies, Publications, Non communicable diseases, Women, Child and adolescent health, Mental health

Looking for a mentor and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Short-term mentoring and support

Ibrahim Isaac Umaru

Location: Nigeria

Subjects: Agriculture

Collaboration interests: Finding Co-authors

Looking for a mentor and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support

Camilla Forsberg

Location: United States of America

Subjects: Life Sciences, Biology

Collaboration interests: I may be able to provide advice on experimental design or my lab could consider helping to perform specific experiments in our area of expertise to e… Read more

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.

Dr Uzma Saqib

Location: India

Subjects: Life Sciences

Collaboration interests: I am extremely interested in collaboration and have been collaborating extensively and actively for the past 10 years. Research is multidisciplinary … Read more

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Short-term mentoring and support

Caroline Rosemyya Kwawu

Location: Ghana

Collaboration interests: Renewable energy materials, CO2 upgrade.

Open to collaboration.

Ahmed Alengebawy

Position: Huazhong Agricultural University | Wuhan China

Subjects: Agriculture and food systems, Engineering, Environmental sciences

Collaboration interests: Looking for potential collaborators interested in Bioenergy, Biomass Valorization, and Environmental Impact Assessment.

Open to collaboration.

Priyank Goyal

Location: India

Subjects: Data Sciences, Computing

Collaboration interests: Computer Vision,

Open to collaboration.

Alelgn Ewunetu Temesgen

Location: Ethiopia

Subjects: Geography, Agriculture, Environmental sciences

Collaboration interests: To collaborate in research that contributes to maintaining sustainable development.

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support

Adesikeoluwa Mofifoluwa Aboyeji

Location: Nigeria

Subjects: Basic Medical Sciences

Collaboration interests: Neuroscience, Neuroinflammation, Neurodegenerative diseases, Neuropsychiatric conditions, Oxidative stress, Cognitive dysfunction

Looking for a mentor and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support

Santiago Vasco-Morales

Position: Medico Pediatra - Neonatología, Hospital Gineco Obstétrico Isidro Ayora at Hospital Gineco Obstetrico Isidro Ayora | Quito Ecuador

Subjects: Medicine and Dentistry, Education and Teaching

Collaboration interests: Médico pediatra, investigador acreditado por la SENESCYT en las áreas de: neonatología, alergología y enfermedades respiratorias. Autor y coautor de … Read more

Open to collaboration.
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