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7288 researchers were found who match your query.

abdelkader laafer

Location: Algeria

Subjects: Architecture, Building and Planning, Engineering, Physics, Environmental sciences

Collaboration interests: I am interested in working in the field of building energy, thermal comfort, energy efficiency, phase change materials, energy use and anything relat… Read more

Open to collaboration.

Jeya Beulah D

Position: Associate Professor - Community Health Nursing at SCPM College of Nursing and Paramedical sciences, Gonda, Uttarpradesh, India. | India

Subjects: Healthcare and nursing, Education and Teaching, Psychology

Collaboration interests: Nursing, Community health nursing, Public health, Junk food,

Open to collaboration.


Location: Sri Lanka

Subjects: Healthcare and nursing, Medicine and Dentistry

Collaboration interests: Dengue Fever Leptospirosis Critical care infectious diseases Haemodyanamic measurements

Open to collaboration.

Ahmed Alengebawy

Position: Huazhong Agricultural University | Wuhan China

Subjects: Agriculture and food systems, Engineering, Environmental sciences

Collaboration interests: Looking for potential collaborators interested in Bioenergy, Biomass Valorization, and Environmental Impact Assessment.

Open to collaboration.

Priyank Goyal

Location: India

Subjects: Data Sciences, Computing

Collaboration interests: Computer Vision,

Open to collaboration.

Danielle Lee

Location: United States of America

Subjects: Education and Teaching

Collaboration interests: I am danielle Lee working individual as a content writer.

Open to collaboration.

Baburam Bhul

Position: Development Management and Governance at Nepal Open University | Kathmandu Nepal

Subjects: Business and Administrative studies, Business and Management

Collaboration interests: Social Inclusion, Federalism, Governance, Affirmative action, IDEA

Open to collaboration.

Alemayehu Siffir Argawu

Location: Ethiopia

Subjects: Mathematics and Statistics

Collaboration interests: Statistical Modeling & Data Analysis in R (Public Health)

Open to collaboration.

Caroline Rosemyya Kwawu

Location: Ghana

Collaboration interests: Renewable energy materials, CO2 upgrade.

Open to collaboration.
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