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943 researchers were found who match your query.

Jose Luis Aguilar Ponce

Location: Mexico

Subjects: Medicine and Dentistry

Collaboration interests: Apoyar en proyectos de investigación y salud pública

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support


Location: Ethiopia

Subjects: Agriculture and food systems

Collaboration interests: I am okay

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Short-term mentoring and support

Dr. George Odongo

Location: Kenya

Subjects: Computing, Engineering and technology, Data Sciences

Collaboration interests: I am interested in collaborating on mentorship programs that support early-career researchers in developing countries, particularly in helping them i… Read more

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support

Dr Uzma Saqib

Location: India

Subjects: Life Sciences

Collaboration interests: I am extremely interested in collaboration and have been collaborating extensively and actively for the past 10 years. Research is multidisciplinary … Read more

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Short-term mentoring and support

Camilla Forsberg

Location: United States of America

Subjects: Life Sciences, Biology

Collaboration interests: I may be able to provide advice on experimental design or my lab could consider helping to perform specific experiments in our area of expertise to e… Read more

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.

Marcelo Essado

Location: Brazil

Subjects: Space Sciences, Computing, Business, Education and Teaching, Engineering

Collaboration interests: Space engineering and technology, businesses development.

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Short-term mentoring and support

Bonface Manono

Location: United States of America

Subjects: Agriculture

Collaboration interests: Guide in manuscript preparation, project development, career advise, etc.

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Editing Support
Response Time:
Usually within a month

Md.Tanvir Tanvir Rahman

Position: professor - Microbiology and Hygiene at Bangladesh Agricultural University, | Mymensingh Bangladesh

Subjects: Veterinary Sciences

Collaboration interests: Antimicrobial resistance, Virulence, One health, zoonoses, food hygiene, public health, ecology, genomics

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support

Alelgn Ewunetu Temesgen

Location: Ethiopia

Subjects: Environmental sciences, Geography, Agriculture

Collaboration interests: To collaborate in research that contributes to maintaining sustainable development.

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support

Christina Wiesmann

Location: Canada

Subjects: Life Sciences

Available for mentoring.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Short-term mentoring and support
Response Time:
Usually within a month
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