Resource Library
Video:Learn about research variables with Hazvinei Mang'anda
Learn about research variables with Hazvinei Mang'anda
Video:How to create an academic paper outline with Paperpal step-by-step
with Nafisa M K Elehamer
Video:AuthorAID webinar - how to be a good mentee
In this webinar discussion on how to be a good mentee and how to get the most out of your mentor, our experienced keynote speakers let you in on their mentoring experiences and share tips and advice on being a mentee.
Video:AuthorAID webinar: how to be a good mentor
Join AuthorAID for a webinar discussion on how to be a good mentor. Our experienced keynote speakers will let you in on their mentoring experiences and share tips and advice on being a mentor. Followed by short talks by our speakers, Dr. Farooq Rathore chairs a Q&A session where participants asked their most pressing questions.
Video:Sage - How to get published in an academic journal
How to Get Published Webinar
Video:How Bayesian inference works
Video and blog post by Brandon Rohrer.
Video:How-To Videos on Doing Impact Evaluations
From the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).
Presentation:Creating Effective Poster Presentations
Website on designing and giving poster presentations.
Video:"How to Give a Science Flash Talk"
Advice for giving a 3-minute talk presenting science in an engaging, easy-to-understand way. Source: SciDev.Net.
Video:A Guide to Presenting a Poster
A guide on preparing and presenting a poster, created bt the Cain Project.