A global network of researchers

AuthorAID webinar - how to be a good mentee

By Andy Nobes | Nov. 24, 2022

In this webinar discussion on how to be a good mentee and how to get the most out of your mentor, our experienced keynote speakers let you in on their mentoring experiences and share tips and advice on being a mentee.

Followed by short talks by our speakers, Dr. Zainab Yunusa Kaltungo chaired a Q&A session.

Event chair: Zainab Yunusa-Kaltungo - Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH), Gombe, Nigeria Dr Zainab Yunusa-Kaltungo is a plastic surgeon, the former chairman of the medical advisory committee (CMAC) and former Clinical Governance lead of the patient safety project at the Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH), Gombe in north-east Nigeria. Zainab has been a guest facilitator on several AuthorAID online courses. She will be moderating this event.

Keynote speakers: Dr. Eucharia Oluchi Nwachi -  University of Port Harcourt Nigeria Dr. Eucharia Oluchi Nwaichi is an Environmental Biochemist and Associate Professor at the University of Port Harcourt Nigeria and currently is the Director, Exchange & Linkage Programmes Unit of same university. She is also the founding President of Organization for Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD) University of Port Harcourt Branch and the Vice President of the National Chapter of OWSD. She is passionate about monitoring and understanding the quality of soil, water and air environments in order to protect it and is looking to using her patent on plant-assisted technology and associated technologies to clean up crude oil-impacted environment. She has done crude oil clean-up interventions in-situ and ex-situ. Enthusiastic about science communication, science diplomacy and evidence-informed policymaking, Eucharia deploys her diverse work experiences to use the best research evidence in teaching, research, mentoring, engagement and coaching activities. She promotes green and sustainable chemistry and is a great science communicator who is poised with influencing policies with her science and increasing the space for women and girls in science. Her findable (on google) recognitions and awards make her a great influence in science. She has published her works in over 80 reputable journals and has well-rated Book and Book Chapters. She holds BSc, MSc and PhD in Environmental Biochemistry of the University of Port Harcourt and has Post-Doctoral experiences in Poland, England and the United States of America.

Dr. Carole Sargent - Georgetown University, USA Dr. Carole Sargent facilitates high-impact publishing for tenure-track faculty members at Georgetown University, and at other campuses in the United States. She helps scholars publish at the most selective university presses and peer-reviewed academic journals. Through AuthorAid she advises emerging scholars globally who wish to publish in the United States, and she has led faculty publishing workshops in Japan, Sweden, Qatar, India, Jordan, Kenya, and Haiti. Her PhD in literary history is from the University of Virginia.

Olwaseyi Somefun - University of Western Cape, South Africa Seyi is a youth researcher whose primary goal is to generate scholarship that supports the holistic wellbeing of youth who experience cumulative and convergent risks to healthy development. Specifically, her interest has focused on what can be learned from considering how, especially prior to intervention, youth maneuver risk in everyday life. Her research, which targets the identification of risk and promotion of healthy development among marginalized youth, is a critical step towards alleviating health disparities and socially constructed barriers to positive youth development. This research is grounded in her practical experience and interdisciplinary training in public health, sociology, demography, and social methods, and combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. Recently, she has focused on the acceptability of adolescent interventions, made new commitments to interdisciplinary dialogue in the study of family demography, and is currently developing a toolkit on how to be a good mentee.

Nov. 24, 2022
Career resources
The resource can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx4ech4GKV4