A global network of researchers

Finding an AuthorAID Mentor: Some Tips

By Barbara Gastel | Jan. 12, 2015

Recently a researcher posted this comment: “I have been looking for the right mentor and update I haven't got one! Hey can someone tell what could have wrong with my search?”

In responding, I said an upcoming AuthorAID blog post would feature tips on finding a mentor. Here are some such tips:

  • If you haven’t done so, read the Mentoring and Collaboration section of the AuthorAID website. This section contains useful information.
  • Seek a good match, but don’t insist on a perfect match. Often, a mentor in your own academic field can help most. However, mentors in related fields also can give valuable aid.
  • Be flexible about native language and country. Many people with native languages other than English can help refine papers for submission to English-language journals.
  • Fill out the mentor request form completely and accurately. After searching for a potential mentor and finding a candidate, complete the contact form that will appear. Say what kind of help you seek, and indicate your deadline or timetable. The prospective mentor can then decide soundly whether to help.
  • Contact one potential mentor at a time. Don’t contact many simultaneously in hope of quick results. Doing so is inconsiderate. If someone you contact is unavailable or doesn’t reply in a week or two, contact another potential mentor.
  • If, despite several tries, you don’t find a mentor, consider contacting AuthorAID.  We might be able to advise you further or suggest more candidates.

Do you have advice on finding an AuthorAID mentor? Or do you have experience to share? If so, please post a comment.

Until the next post—


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