A global network of researchers

Data Analysis and Statistical Training Needs - What Do YOU Need?

By Maisie Northing | Mar. 13, 2024  | Event Research skills Statistics

Image of a black screen showing various lines of computer code in white, green, yellow, and pink colours.AuthorAID serves the needs of the community. Members of the AuthorAID community have requested support and training with topics related to data analysis and statistics. We are looking to be able to better support you in this area, and have put together a survey to assess specifics of what data analysis and statistical training you would best benefit from. Once we have compiled the information you have provided, we will put together different formats and opportunities for learning, hosted by our data expert, INASP associate and AuthorAID steward, Felix Emeka Anyiam

The survey asks you to please tell us about the challenges you face, and the specific needs that you have in these areas.

Please complete the survey here - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K5K7NHF

The deadline for completing the survey is Wednesday the 27th of March at 12pm GMT.


Image: Photo by Trevor Vannoy on Unsplash

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