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5 researchers were found who match your query.

German Gonzalez

Position: Researcher (full time) at Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur (IIESS, UNS-CONICET) | Bahia Blanca Argentina

Subjects: Economics

Collaboration interests: I'm interested in supporting and collaborating with researchers interested in doing appl economic research, particularly in my field of research. I'm… Read more

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support

Pablo Ezequiel Flores-Kanter

Position: Investigador at Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET, Argentina) | Córdoba Argentina

Subjects: Psychology

Collaboration interests: In areas related to psychology and mental health, in general; and in psychometrics and psychological assessment in particular.

Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support

Luciano Villalba

Position: Professor - Industrial Engineering at Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - University of Lausanne | Tandil Argentina

Subjects: Engineering, Earth Sciences, Environmental sciences, Geography

Collaboration interests: Waste Management; informal recycling; industrial ecology; urban metabolism; circular economy

Looking for a mentor and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support

Luciana Modica

Location: Argentina

Subjects: Political sciences, peace and conflict

Collaboration interests: Género - Representación Política - Mujeres

Looking for a mentor and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Short-term mentoring and support

Diana Cruz

Location: Argentina

Subjects: Computing

Looking for a mentor.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support