Kirk Allen
Independent Researcher United States of America
- Subjects:
- Engineering, Education and Teaching
- Status:
- Available for mentoring.
- Response Time:
- Usually within 48 hours
- Support Offered:
- Article planning, Dealing with the publishing process, Language polishing/light editing, Medium/heavy editing, Presentation planning, Responding to peer review, Statistics, Study design, Table and figure design
- Subjects:
- Engineering, Education and Teaching
- Research Keywords:
- Industrial engineering, statistics, psychometrics, operations research, surveys, traffic safety, technical writing
- Biography:
- I am currently employed full-time outside of academia, but generally have some free time to assist with some academic projects. I hold a PhD in Industrial Engineering and have expertise in data analysis in a variety of fields. I have done post-doctoral work in public health modelling in the UK, where I was lead author on three journal articles. I worked for two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in a medical research centre in Mexico, where I provided consulting for statistical analysis and revised technical English for journal submissions. More details on my Research Gate page.
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