Angela Devine
Health Economist - Global and Tropical Health at Menzies School of Health Research, Charles Darwin University | Melbourne , Australia
- Subjects:
- Basic Medical Sciences, Economics, Medicine, Healthcare
- Spoken languages:
- English
- Status:
- Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
- Support Level:
- Short-term mentoring and support
- Support Offered:
- Writing, Proofreading, Dealing with the publishing process, Language polishing/light editing, Presentation planning, Proposal development, Responding to peer review, Language editing or proofreading support, Study design, Theses and dissertation writing, Career mentoring, Data analysis
- Subjects:
- Basic Medical Sciences, Economics, Medicine, Healthcare
- Research Keywords:
- health economics, economic evaluation, cost-effectiveness analysis, infectious diseases, malaria, clinical trials
- Collaboration interests:
- interventions for infectious diseases, decision sciences
- Biography:
- Angela Devine is a health economist with 10 years of experience in the economic evaluation and costs related to the management of infectious diseases. Dr Devine’s current research is focused on the cost-effectiveness of options for the management of vivax malaria. In particular, she investigates options for improving the safety and effectiveness of radical cure in a variety of geographical and epidemiological settings. Additional projects in global health extend from malaria to HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, antimicrobial resistance, dengue. Methodological research interests include the joint costs and consequences of co-infections, the valuation of productivity losses in low and middle income countries, and the development of online tools to address policy decisions. In addition to her role at Menzies, Dr Devine is a lecturer at Charles Darwin University and holds an honorary position at The University of Melbourne, where she is part of the qMalaria team in the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics Research and the Health Economics Unit.
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