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Daphne Nyachaki Bitalo: photo

Daphne Nyachaki Bitalo

Senior Research Officer-Geneticist - Biotechnology Unit at National Coffee Research Institute | Kituza-Mukono , Uganda

Biology, Agriculture
Spoken languages:
Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Short-term mentoring and support
Support Offered:
Proofreading, Article planning, Dealing with the publishing process, Proposal development, Responding to peer review, Policy briefs, Theses and dissertation writing, Career mentoring, Data analysis


Biology, Agriculture
Research Keywords:
Comparative genomics and population; Conservation biology, Genetic biodiversity; Microbe genetics and industrial fermentation; Ethics and science policy.
Collaboration interests:
Bioinformatics, Genomics, Science Communication
Dr. Daphne Nyachaki Bitalo is a Senior Research Officer at the National Coffee Research Institute in Uganda. She holds a PhD in Genetics from Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Her research focuses on the biodiversity of marine and forest ecosystems, in particular, the historical and contemporary genetic dynamics that drive species variation and how these can address issues of sustainable utilisation and conservation for a thriving ecosystem and global food security. She has published in areas of comparative genomics and coffee wilt disease management to illustrate the benefits of scientific evidence in fast-tracking solutions. Her work on Robusta coffee in Uganda has ethical and environmental implications- driving for wide-scale adoption of disease resistant varieties to reduce chemical use in production, and conserving wild coffees at a time of extensive deforestation in Uganda’s coffee habitats. Daphne has influenced positive change in practices and policies in African research elsewhere; her research on the genetics of commercially exploited sharks played a part in the demarcation of 41 marine protected areas in South Africa. She is also the co-chair of the Uganda National Young Academy where she strives to share and learn about real policy solutions, experiences, and how to reduce research inequality within and between African countries.
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