David Lawson
Associate Professor - Department of Anthropology at University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara , United States of America
- Subjects:
- Anthropology, Sociology, Culture/Gender Studies
- Spoken languages:
- English
- Status:
- Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
- Support Level:
- Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support
- Response Time:
- Usually within 48 hours
- Support Offered:
- Article planning, Career mentoring
AuthorAID articles
- Fostering an inclusive and equitable global research community in cross-cultural social science - Mar. 22, 2021
- Subjects:
- Anthropology, Sociology, Culture/Gender Studies
- Research Keywords:
- Population health, global health, demography, gender, family, childhood, child health, gender equality, women's empowerment, marriage, evolutionary anthropology, human behavioral ecology
- Collaboration interests:
- I am interested in collaborating with researchers interested in, or working on, health and wellbeing, childhood, marriage, gender and women's empowerment. Especially, but not limited to, those working in the Mwanza region of Tanzania.
- Biography:
- I am an evolutionary anthropologist and population health scientist with broad interests in the family, gender equality and human wellbeing. Originally from Northern Ireland, I moved to California and joined the University of California in 2016. I was previously based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and at University College London, where I completed my PhD in Anthropology in 2009. Representative publications: Schaffnit SB, Hassan A, Urassa M & Lawson DW. (2019). Parent-offspring conflict unlikely to explain ‘child marriage’ in northwestern Tanzania. Nature Human Behaviour. 3:346-353; Lawson DW, James S, Ngadaya E, Ngowi B, Mfinanga SGM, Borgerhoff Mulder M. (2015). No evidence that polygynous marriage is a harmful cultural practice in northern Tanzania. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112(45), 13827-13832; Lawson DW, Borgerhoff Mulder M, Ghiselli ME, Ngadaya E, Ngowi B, Mfinanga SGM, Hartwig K. & James S. (2014). Ethnicity and child health in northern Tanzania: Maasai pastoralists are disadvantaged compared to neighbouring ethnic groups. PLOS ONE 9: e110447.
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