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Nnaemeka Emmanuel Enemchukwu: photo

Nnaemeka Emmanuel Enemchukwu

Researcher - History and International Studies at University of Nigeria | Enugu , Nigeria

Creative Arts and Design, Political sciences, peace and conflict, History, Environmental sciences
Spoken languages:
Available for mentoring.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support
Support Offered:
Writing, Book planning, Language polishing/light editing, Proposal development, Publication ethics, Responding to peer review, Table and figure design, Language editing or proofreading support, Study design, Literature reviews, Theses and dissertation writing


Creative Arts and Design, Political sciences, peace and conflict, History, Environmental sciences
Research Keywords:
Economic History, Political Economy, Emerging Markets, Migration and Labour, Climate Studies
I have spent four years drilling myself in the field of research and academic writings by working as a freelancer and research assistant to professionals in the field of Humanities. I have attended conferences within my home-country, Nigeria, and aspire to travel ashore to broaden my scope of horizon. One of the remarked conferences I participated was organised by the prestigious Humboldt Kolleg, a German-African Research Center, where I delivered a paper on Resource Wars, focusing on resource distribution and derivation politics in the Niger Delta. The paper is underway in the hands of Vernon Press, USA. I am a very meticulous researcher and I love breaking new grounds. My first degree thesis proved the kind of personality I am. I broke away from the usual project writing that centered on local histories, and delved into exploring new ideas. I coalesced local histories with international phenomena. I explored the impact of globalization, Chinese effects and neo-liberalism on traditional institutions and industries in Nigeria. I focused on the textile industry of Nigeria, but I went as far as exploring the role of ECOWAS and immigration on textile industry in Nigeria. At the end of my research I made an "A", emerging tops in my undergraduate studies. I graduated from History and International Studies, University of Nigeria, summa cum laude. I am an occasional article contributor at ResearchGate and Academia.edu. My research interests include economic history of developing nations, social history, gender studies, migration and labour, environmental studies, International Relations, Political Economy and Literary Criticism. My works include, Kampala Textile Industry in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos, 1979 - 2015, Resource Wars In Transformation, The Chain of Climate Change, Scarcity and Conflict in Global Politics, Conflict, Post-civil War Nigeria: Reconciliation or Vendetta?, Nigeria before 1800: A Short History of Family and Kinship and Nigerian Military and Nation Building. My future works are Magical Realism in Post-colonial Nigerian Polity: Outrages and Critical Essays on Ben Okri's The Famished Roads and Starbook. I publish under a self-owned and non-profit research unit, Prometheus Scholars Series. My career prospects is geared towards being a think-tank executive in an established research institute and corporations of policy making, academics and leadership.
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