Amon Paul Shoko
Principal Aquaculture Research Scientist and Consultant - Aquatic BioSolutions Tanzania at Aquatic BioSolutions Tanzania (ABiST) | Dar es Salaam , Tanzania
- Subjects:
- Agriculture and food systems, Biological Sciences, Environmental sciences
- Spoken languages:
- English, Swahili
- Status:
- Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
- Support Level:
- Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support
- Response Time:
- Usually within 48 hours
- Support Offered:
- Writing, Proofreading, Article planning, Dealing with the publishing process, Presentation planning, Proposal development, Publication ethics, Responding to peer review, Study design, Table and figure design, Technical reports, Theses and dissertation writing, Data analysis, Data management and sharing
- Subjects:
- Agriculture and food systems, Biological Sciences, Environmental sciences
- Research Keywords:
- Aquaculture, Fish biology and ecology, Fisheries and aquatic sciences
- Collaboration interests:
- I am involved in most areas of aquatic research preferably aquaculture. I am looking for co-researchers from all over the World to team up in developing research proposals for funding, conduct and disseminate findings.
- Biography:
- Dr. Amon Paul Shoko is a freelance Principal Aquaculture Scientist at Aquatic BioSolutions Tanzania (ABiST). He worked with Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI), a Government Research Organization for over twenty years. Dr Shoko was born on January 1, 1962 in Same district of Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. He went through various academic institutions from 1972 to 2013. At University level Dr Shoko studied fisheries and aquatic science subjects until 2013 when he attained a PhD on Aquaculture. He has done extensive research works on fisheries and aquaculture in both fresh and marine waters. As a research scientist and consultant, he has lead several fisheries related research projects/studies in the capacity of Principal Investigator, most of which came out of his own innovations. Dr Shoko has built strong research teams in order to accomplish several other tasks. He has also participated in stock assessment and catch assessment surveys in Lake Victoria; seaweeds and sea grasses ecology, the relationship between the number of Mangrove prop roots and substrate types, and the biology and fisheries of Octopus. Dr Shoko has more than 20 publications in various international peer reviewed journals. He can be contacted through his personal e-mail: or Tel: +255 784 318 925 (Mobile); +255 764 192 059 (Mobile).
- Profile website:
- Curriculum Vitae:
- Sign in to download CV (852.0 KB)
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