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Presentation:Preparing Grant Proposals - Facilitation Kit

By | Apr. 02, 2018

This kit consists of nine modules, each containing a PowerPoint presentation and a set of facilitator notes. The notes expand on the content of the slides and provide guidance in facilitating the modules, which combine presentation and small-group work.

Presentation:Two Presentations on Writing Clubs

By | Jan. 06, 2017

Two PowerPoint presentations: one on the writing clubs at the University of Colombo Faculty of Medicine, and one more generally on writing clubs as a means to promote productivity and quality in research writing.

Presentation:Core Presentations on Pedagogy

By | Oct. 06, 2013
Slide set on teaching technique, especially as applied to teaching research communication. From the AuthorAID Workshop on Teaching Research Communication, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 27-31 May 2013.

Presentation:Core Presentations on Research Communication

By | May. 27, 2013
Slide set containing presentations on writing journal articles, giving presentations, preparing proposals, and related topics. From the AuthorAID Workshop on Teaching Research Communication, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 27-31 May 2013.

Presentation:PACN-INASP Train-the-Trainer Workshop on Teaching Scientific Writing

By | Dec. 24, 2012
Main slides from AuthorAID train-the-trainer workshop held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 30 November 2012. Major topics include the following: some basics of teaching and learning, giving effective lectures, planning and facilitating discussions, planning and giving an AuthorAID workshop, and other options for using AuthorAID materials.

Presentation:Other Options Using AuthorAID Materials

By | Mar. 21, 2011
From the AuthorAID Train-the-Trainers Workshop on Teaching Research Writing, Kathmandu, Nepal, 18 March 2011. Presents some possibilities, other than typical AuthorAID workshops, for using AuthorAID materials to teach research writing.
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