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Web resource:5 Free Online Plagiarism Checkers

By | Jul. 29, 2021

In this blog post Adam Warner an experienced freelance writer, specializing in technology and education discusses 5 free online plagiarism checkers that work in 2021. 

Web resource:"How to Write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences"

By | Jan. 27, 2013

A 28-page guide from the professional association IEEE. Among topics addressed: ethics in scientific publication, deciding whether to present at a conference or write a journal article, identifying conferences and journals suitable for one’s work, developing a manuscript, revising, and peer review. Interactive, with links to other resources.

Web resource:EQUATOR Network

By | Mar. 02, 2012

Website of "an international initiative that seeks to improve reliability and value of medical research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting of research studies". (EQUATOR stands for Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research.) Available in English and in Spanish. Includes a library of guidelines for reporting research; resources for authors, editors, and peer reviewers; resources for developers of guidelines; and a newsletter in English, French, German, and Spanish.

Web resource:Association of American University Presses Resources

By | Jun. 03, 2011

Resources for authors, scholarly publishers, libraries, and others. Includes a grid listing main subject areas of interest of member presses. Also includes a set of FAQs on permissions and copyright.

Video:Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism

By | Feb. 05, 2011

Video blog post by prominent medical editor George Lundberg. Emphasizes the need to avoid plagiarism and identifies some tools for detecting plagiarism.

Web resource:Academic Authorship

By | Jun. 13, 2010
Good overview on authorship criteria and related subjects. Includes information on authorship guidelines and norms in various academic fields. From Wikipedia.
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