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Book:The ABCs of Scientific Writing: A Guide for Researchers

By | Aug. 16, 2023

"The ABCs of Scientific Writing" is a concise yet comprehensive guide to effective writing-not strict to scientific writing. It has designed for passionate writers from all fields and writing levels. …

Book:Guidance for the Description of Animal Research in Scientific Publications

By | Sep. 16, 2011
This report provides guidance on what to include in methods sections of journal articles reporting animal research. In particular, it states types of information to provide about the research animals, their environment, and the experimental methods. This report, which is openly accessible, is from the US National Research Council. It appeared in 2011.

Book:Other Types of Scientific Writing

By | Feb. 19, 2009

Lessons on preparing review articles, letters to the editor, book reviews, grant proposals, curricula vitae, case reports, and theses.

Book:Introductory Material

By | Feb. 19, 2009
Cover, title page, table of contents, preface, introductory lessons.
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