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Syllabus (PDF)--Intensive Course in Research Writing

By | Jun. 27, 2009
Syllabus for 3-week intensive course given at Texas A&M University in summer 2009. Lists presentation topics, reading assignments, and writing assignments. Can be adapted for courses meeting less frequently over longer times. For more information, see the AuthorAID "News & Updates" entry for 27 June 2009.

Syllabus (Word)--Intensive Course in Research Writing

By | Jun. 27, 2009
Syllabus for 3-week intensive course given at Texas A&M University in summer 2009. Lists presentation topics, reading assignments, and writing assignments. Can be adapted for courses meeting less frequently over longer times. For more information, see the AuthorAID "News & Updates" entry for 27 June 2009.

Presentation:Workshop Instructions

By | Feb. 27, 2009
Instructions for small-group discussion sessions.

Book:Introductory Material

By | Feb. 19, 2009
Cover, title page, table of contents, preface, introductory lessons.