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Article:Bringing African research out of the shadows

By | Nov. 14, 2014

Miriam Conteh-Morgan, Head Librarian, Institute of Public Administration and Management, University of Sierra Leone, discusses how researchers can bring their findings and ideas into global academic conversations

Article:The SAMPL Guidelines for Statistical Reporting

By | Mar. 17, 2013
"Basic Statistical Reporting for Articles Published in Biomedical Journals: The 'Statistical Analyses and Methods in the Published Literature' or The SAMPL Guidelines” by Thomas A. Lang and Douglas G. Altman. These statistical-reporting guidelines can help authors, editors, and peer reviewers. Most of the content is applicable not only to biomedical but also to other fields.

Article:"Writing the Empirical Journal Article"

By | Aug. 31, 2012

A guide to writing journal articles. Intended primarily for researchers in psychology but also helpful to researchers in other fields. By Daryl J. Bem.

Article:Ejemplos de Cartas de Recomendación

By | Apr. 17, 2012
Contiene 2 ejemplos ficticios de cartas de recomendación. Ambas cartas recomiendan estudiantes para unas oportunidades. El contenido es imaginario, pero el formato es realista. El formato, tipo de contenido, y tono son apropiados para las recomendaciones enviadas en Estados Unidos. Las normas a este respecto pueden diferir en algunos otros países

Article:Tips Semanales 26-50

By | Apr. 17, 2012

Segunda lista de 25 tips semanales sobre escritura y publicación. Agradecemos a Bernard Appiah por preparar los tips y a Alejandra Arreola-Triana por compilar la lista. Publicados originalmente del 24 de mayo al 8 de noviembre del 2011.

Article:Tips Semanales 1-25

By | Apr. 17, 2012

Tips semanales sobre escritura y publicación. Preparados por el asistente de posgrado de AuthorAID Bernard Appiah. Publicados originalmente del 1 de diciembre del 2010 al 17 de mayo del 2011.

Article:"How to Handle Authorship Disputes: A Guide for New Researchers"

By | Jan. 13, 2012
From the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Discusses not only authorship disputes but also other aspects of authorship. Includes advice on preventing authorship problems, suggestions of what to do if such problems occur, definitions of important terms relating to authorship, and discussion of the concepts represented by these terms. Suitable not only for new researchers but also for more advanced ones.