Resource Library
Presentation:Class 4--Intensive Course in Research Writing
PowerPoint presentation from Intensive Course in Research Writing, held 27 June through 15 July 2011 at Texas A&M University. Main topics of the session: references, poster presentations, and oral presentations. To make the file small enough to download rapidly, pictures were omitted from the version posted. Including discussion and a break, the session ran about 3 hours.
"Three More Resources" (Chinese Translation)
Presentation:Poster Presentations and Oral Presentations
From the AuthorAID Workshop on Research Writing, Nepal, 14-17 March 2011.
Presentation:Tips on Designing PowerPoint Slides
Web resource:English Communication for Scientists
Online guide from the Nature Publishing Group.
"Poster Presentations: Some Advice and Examples" (Chinese Translation)
Chinese translation of AuthorAID blog post. Contains English text followed by Chinese translation of main content. Translated by Jiang CHEN, an editor at the Journal of China Medical University, China Medical University.
Presentation:Apresentações em formato de pôster e apresentação oral
Presentation:Giving Lectures
Presentation:Poster Presentations and Oral Presentations
Presentation:Poster Presentations and Oral Presentations
From the AuthorAID Workshop on Research Writing Skills, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 15-19 March 2010.