Resource Library
Web resource:5 Lessons on Writing for the Public
by Anne Trubek, for Chronicle Vitae.
Article:Lessons from the Asian Scientist Writing Prize 2015
by the Asian Scientist Magazine.
Article:Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles
By the National Library of Medicine.
Podcast:Citing Africa podcast - Identifying the right journal for your work
Downloadable podcast
Presentation:Erstellung der Literaturzusammenfassung einer Dissertation
Von Barbara Gastel; übersetzt von Vera M. Eulenberg.
Toolkit:AuthorAID Research Writing Toolkit
Resources to run a participatory research writing workshop at your institution.
Presentation:Selected Presentations: Writing and Publishing Journal Articles (Chinese Translation)
Presentations by Barbara Gastel at a workshop at Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, in June 2017. Translated into Chinese by Dr. Jianjun Zhang, Journal of Capital Medical University.
Presentation:Selected Presentations: Writing and Publishing Journal Articles
Presentations by Barbara Gastel at a workshop at Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, in June 2017.
Tips of the Week 301-325 (Chinese Translation)
Another set of 25 weekly tips on writing, publishing, and related topics.
Book:"The Pathway to Publishing: A Guide to Quantitative Writing in the Health Sciences"
Openly accessible guide by medical epidemiologist Steve Luby and scientific writing specialist Dorothy Southern. 115 pages. Based on experience teaching public health scientists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Also largely applicable to scientific writing in other disciplines.