Resource Library
Presentation:Editando tus propios artículos científicos y propuestas: Cómo sorprender a colegas y lectores
Este material fue preparado para ser presentado en el Encuentro Anual 2014 de la AAAS. Acá podrás encontrar listas con aspectos básicos que debes revisar en un artículo científico o una propuesta de financiamiento antes de enviarlos para su publicación.
Presentation:AuthorAID: An Overview
Presentation to the Association of American Publishers (AAP) Professional and Scholarly Publishing (PSP) Journals Committee, December 2015.
Video:Creating Effective Poster Presentations
Website on designing and giving poster presentations.
Presentation:Public Science Communication
Presentation on presenting science to the public. Adapted from material presented at a scientific-communication capacity-building working in Nairobi, Kenya, in May 2015.
Presentation:Preparing Proposals
Presentation on preparing grant proposals. Adapted from material presented at a scientific-communication capacity-building working in Nairobi, Kenya, in May 2015.
Presentation:Writing Abstracts
Presentation on writing abstracts of journal articles, presentations, and proposals.
Article:Making research connections with social media: advice for researchers
In a resource based on workshop sessions delivered to journal editors and medical researchers in Sri Lanka in March 2015, Siân Harris shares some insights and guidelines on using social media to promote research
Presentation:Avoiding Plagiarism: A Few Thoughts and Resources
Presentation to writing club, University of Colombo Faculty of Medicine.
Presentation:Effective Mentorship in Research Communication: A Case-Based Workshop
From a workshop at the University of Colombo Faculty of Medicine.
Presentation:Working Productively with a Writing Mentor
Adapted from part of a workshop presentation in November 2014.