Resource Library
Web resource:Prezi
Presentation:Core Presentations on Research Communication
Presentation:Day 2 of 2: PACN-INASP Post-Congress Workshop on Scientific Writing
Presentation:Preparing a Poster Presentation
Presentation by John Clough at the PACN-INASP Post-Congress Workshop on Scientific Writing, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 28-29 November 2012. Dr. Clough is an award-winning chemist at the company Syngenta. He also is a visiting professor.
Video:A Guide to Presenting a Poster
A guide on preparing and presenting a poster, created bt the Cain Project.
Web resource:Designing Conference Posters
Website giving extensive advice on preparing poster presentations.
A Poster-Evaluation Form
A form for evaluating poster presentations. From Dr. Fazal Ghani, Peshawar, Pakistan. Feedback on this form is welcome; it can be sent to the e-mail address on the bottom of the form.
Presentation:Workshop: Preparing and Giving Presentations
Post-conference workshop on preparing and giving oral presentations and poster presentations. To keep the file small, photos have been deleted. The workshop was given 29 April 2012, after the IADSR International Conference 2012, "Fundamentals of Conducting & Reporting Research".
Presentation:Preparing Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations
Short presentation providing main points to remember about preparing and giving oral presentations and poster presentations. To keep the file small, photos have been deleted. From the IADSR International Conference 2012, "Fundamentals of Conducting & Reporting Research", Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 April 2012.