Resource Library
Web resource:"The Little Handbook of Statistical Practice"
Addresses a variety of major topics in statistics. Also includes links to other statistics resources. By statistician Gerard E. Dallal, PhD.
Article:"Errors in Correlation and Regression Analyses"
By Tom Lang.
Article:"Errors in Descriptive Statistics and in Interpreting Probability Values"
By Tom Lang. From the series "Common Statistical Errors Even YOU Can Find", published in the AMWA [American Medical Writers Association] Journal.
Article:"Errors in Multivariate Analyses and in Interpreting Differences between Groups"
By Tom Lang.
Article:"Errors in Data Displays"
By Tom Lang.
Presentation:Statistics at Square One, 9th edition
Easy-to-understand textbook of basic (and not-so-basic) statistics. By T D V Swinscow; revised by M J Campbell. Openly accessible. Has a medical emphasis but also is applicable to other fields. Although more recent editions can be bought, still suffices for many uses.
"Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Communicable Disease Control: Selected readings and references"
Annotated bibliography of print resources. About 5 pages long. Used by the World Health Organization (WHO). Includes many classic works. Newer editions of some listed works might be available.
Online QDA: Learning Qualitative Data Analysis on the Web
Resource providing guidance on qualititative research; emphasizes analysis of data from such research. Includes texts, case studies, videos, resource lists, and more. Also has links to glossaries. Discusses software that can help in qualitative data analysis.
Web resource:APA Style Website
Website about APA (American Psychological Association) style, commonly used in the social and behavioral sciences. Also provides related guidance. Among items included in the website: information about the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, a tutorial on basics of APA style, sample papers using APA style, a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs), and a blog on APA style.