A global network of researchers

Resource of the Week #150: For Editing Your Own Work

By Barbara Gastel | Feb. 22, 2014

Hello again. A few days ago I attended the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting. My role included giving a 1-hour workshop titled “Editing Your Own Papers and Proposals: How to Wow Reviewers and Aid Readers”.

Many people attended this workshop. Based on previous experience, I had brought about 50 copies of my handout. But all the copies soon were gone. Therefore I had a signup sheet for obtaining copies by email. Also, some people took photos of my slides.

In addition, I promised to post the handout in the AuthorAID Resource Library. So now, as well as emailing the handout to more than 40 people, I’ve added it to our resource library.

The handout includes the following:

  • checklists for editing one’s own scientific papers and grant proposals with regard to content, organization, and other aspects
  • a list of common writing problems to avoid or remedy
  • pointers for writing readably
  • tips for making writing more concise
  • suggestions for non-native users of English

The handout ends with a resource list. Of course, one of the listed resources is AuthorAID.

I hope you’ll find this resource useful. Please feel free to share it with others.

Until the next post—


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