A global network of researchers

From a Workshop This Week in Sri Lanka

By Barbara Gastel | May. 28, 2013

Greetings again. I hope that all is going well for you.

I’m writing this blog post in Colombo, Sri Lanka. I’m here facilitating an AuthorAID workshop that runs from May 27 through May 31.

This AuthorAID workshop differs somewhat from earlier ones. How so? In keeping with AuthorAID’s current emphasis on embedding its instruction in countries, this workshop is mainly to prepare people to teach research communication.  

Thus, although much of the content resembles that for other AuthorAID workshops, there is also other content, and this workshop is structured differently. Also, the workshop is for fewer attendees, and the attendees tend to be more advanced than at a typical AuthorAID workshop.

I’m fortunate to have as co-facilitator Dr. Haroon Mohamed Haniffa. Dr. Haroon attended an AuthorAID workshop in Sri Lanka in 2010, and in 2011 he received an AuthorAID scholarship to attend the Texas A&M University Intensive Course in Research Writing. In addition to continuing his other work, Dr. Haroon now teaches research writing at his university.

Each attendee at the current workshop has received the main slides. There is a set of slides on pedagogy (teaching technique), and there is a set of slides on research communication.

I’ve told the workshop attendees that they should feel free to use or adapt these slides for their own teaching. And I’ve added these slide sets to the AuthorAID Resource Library so you can do so too or can learn from the slides on your own.

Until the next post—



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