A global network of researchers

Last Few Days Remaining to Enrol on the AuthorAID 'Getting Started with Writing and Publishing Your Research' Course!

By Maisie Northing | Apr. 17, 2024  | Research writing Research skills Online courses

The AuthorAID 'Getting Started with Writing and Publishing Your Research' MOOC started yesterday (Tuesday 16th of April)! Over 4,500 people have enrolled, and the exciting news is that you can still enrol on the course until 11.59pm BST on Monday the 22nd of April! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take part in the MOOC.

We have a team of experienced facilitators who will be supporting you on the weekly discussion forums, and interacting with you in the weekly live Q+A sessions, hosted on Zoom. The first live session is tomorrow, the 18th of April at 10am BST – make sure to enrol on the course and take advantage of asking the facilitators about writing and publishing your research. The live sessions are always engaging, lively discussions which participants on previous courses have highly valued.


How do I enrol?AuthorAID graphic. White background and red font. The image reads: 'Enrol in our Getting Started with Writing and Publishing Your Research course now!  Experience 6 weeks of learning with 1000s of researchers across the globe and get advice from our experienced facilitators!
Complete information about the course along with enrolment instructions are available on our Moodle website: https://learn.inasp.info/course/view.php?id=371 
You will need to create a learn@inasp (previously called INASP Moodle) account if you don’t already have one. Please follow the instructions carefully (you may need to click on the above link again after registering your account).


The course will run for 6 weeks, ending on the 27th of May. Below are the weekly topics:

  • Week 1 – Understanding previous research
  • Week 2 – Knowing the ethics of research
  • Week 3 – Preparing to write your research paper
  • Week 4 – Writing your research paper
  • Week 5 – Proceeding to publication
  • Week 6 – Wrap up


A selection of learning objectives:

  1. Identify strategies for overcoming access challenges.
  2. Avoid pitfalls in research writing that can lead to plagiarism.
  3. Develop strategies for identifying and handling ethical issues related to your own field of research.
  4. Develop strategies to become a more effective writer.
  5. Balance different factors when selecting a target journal.
  6. Deal effectively with comments from peer reviewers
  7. Finalise a research paper for submission to a journal.


Here is a selection of quotes from participants who completed the course last year:

Man, Ghana: "This course has been very useful to me. Even though, I had some publications earlier before starting this course, I have gained new insights particularly on how to handle reviewer's comments. I received some comments from a reputable journal in my field, I was troubled. But, after going through this course, I understand why such comments and how to deal with it as an author."

Woman, Nigeria: "The course has improved my knowledge on the basics of Research writing and Publication. I have learnt more than I ever had on Ethics in Research writing and process involved in submitting and publication. My Confidence level has been boosted and I am more encouraged to practice Research Writing. I am also more confident about contributing to Research Discussions amongst my Colleagues and Peers."

Woman, Uganda: "I received very useful comments for an abstract for a paper I am intending to submit, and this was a very important as I was able to meet the deadline for submission. I have also learnt many important facets of writing scientific papers that I used to overlook. Thank you for enrolling me for this course"

Man, Tanzania: "The course has numerous benefits for individuals seeking to enhance their knowledge in writing and being published. It offered a valuable and practical means of acquiring new knowledge, developing skills, and advancing in scientific writing and being published. Moreover it provides flexibility, efficiency, and specialized training, making them an attractive option for individuals looking to enhance their expertise in scientific writing and publishing."


INASP designs and runs capacity development activities that cater for both women and men’s interests and needs. We use methods that increase active participation and an inclusive learning environment, adopting attitudes and behaviours that value differential experiences and perspectives and ensuring listening and respect for each other’s experiences and views.

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