Enrolment open: AuthorAID-Latindex online course starts on 13 September
We are pleased to announce our upcoming AuthorAID-Latindex MOOC. This is an open online course and it is free of cost.
Who the course is for: Early career researchers and graduate students in Latin America.
Main topics covered in the course: Literature review, publication ethics, targeting the right journals, writing and publishing a research paper.
Course duration: Six weeks
Course dates: 19 September to 30 October
Course leaders: M.Sc. Saray Córdoba de Latindex-Costa Rica, Mtra. Liliana Andrea Sánchez Islas and Mtro. Rafael Reyna de Latindex-México, and M.Sc. Alejandra E. Arreola Triana from the College of Biological Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León/AuthorAID.
Complete information about the course along with enrolment instructions are available here.
Please note that although this is an open course, enrolment is limited to 2000 participants due to server capacity. We suggest that you enrol in the course as soon as possible if you are interested.
INASP designs and runs capacity development activities that cater for both women and men’s interests and needs. We use methods that increase active participation and an inclusive learning environment, adopting attitudes and behaviors that value differential experiences and perspectives and ensuring listening and respect for each other’s experiences and views.