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Tips for mentors and mentees from one of the AuthorAID Mentor of the Year 2016 award winners, Matt Hodgkinson

By AuthorAID Team | Apr. 19, 2017  | Mentoring Research skills

- Winner of an AuthorAID Mentors of the Year 2016 award Matt Hodgkinson from the United Kingdom gives some useful tips on successful mentor and mentee collaboration. Matt has been an AuthorAID mentor since 2013, and last year he was involved in over 10 mentoring interactions.


Tips for mentors:

  • Get the AuthorAID discussion emails sent as a digest, so you don't miss messages from mentees (I only just did this!)

  • Use the online dashboard to keep track of your tasks and conversations

  • You are more than a language editing service. Comment on the design, methods, analysis, reporting, and related literature

  • Be honest in your feedback and don't “sugar coat” things; for example, if you spot plagiarism, tell your mentee why this is not acceptable practice

  • Get in touch with the AuthorAID team if you need any help; they are friendly and responsive

Tips for mentees:

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