2016 Intensive Course in Research Writing
Creado por Barbara Gastel
Jun. 25, 2016
This course ran from 27 June 2016 through 15 July 2016. Slides from each day's session are provided below. To limit file size, items such as decorative images have been deleted. Feel free to use these materials for self-study or in your teaching.
Contents (Note: To access this material, please scroll beyond this day-by-day list and click on the items that you want.)
- Syllabus
- Slides: Day 1 (Main Topics: Deciding When and Where to Submit a Paper, Instructions to Authors, Overall Structure of Papers)
- Slides: Day 2 (Main Topics: Approaching a Writing Project, Writing in English as a Foreign Language, Writing the Methods Section)
- Slides: Day 3 (Main Topics: Giving Oral Presentations, Citing References)
- Slides: Day 4 (Main Topics: Writing the Results Section, Using Tables and Figures)
- Slides: Day 5 (Main Topics: Giving Poster Presentations, Deciding on Titles and Authors, Writing the Discussion Section)
- Slides: Day 6 (Main Topics: Writing the Introduction, Publishing a Paper)
- Slides: Day 7 (Main Topics: Ethical and Other Issues, Aspects of Writing Style)
- Slides: Day 8 (Main Topic: Preparing a Curriculum Vitae; also, completion of lecture material left from previous days)
- Slides: Day 9 (Main Topic: Preparing Grant Proposals and Progress Reports; note: This presentation is long, and so the latter slides may be saved for Day 10.)
- Slides: Day 10 (Main Topic: Preparing Grant Proposals and Progress Reports, continued; mainly presentation of remaining slides from Day 9)
- Slides: Day 11 (Main Topics: Writing Review Articles, Writing or Supervising a Thesis or Dissertation)
- Slides: Day 12 (Main Topics: Writing Journal Items Other Than Scientific Papers, Providing Peer Review, Writing Abstracts)
- Slides: Day 13 (Main Topics: Writing and Publishing Books, Presenting Science to the Public)
- Slides: Day 14 (Main Topics: Resources for Continuing to Develop Professional Communication Skill, Editing Your Own Work) [Note: This day was the last day of the course.]
Descargar archivos de recursos
Syllabus--Intensive Course--2016 (final).pdf 53 kB
2016--Class01--for AA Posting.ppt 239 kB
2016--Class01--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 139 kB
2016--Class02--for AA Posting.ppt 202 kB
2016--Class02--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 117 kB
2016--Class03--for AA Posting.ppt 479 kB
2016--Class03--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 71 kB
2016--Class04--for AA Posting.ppt 543 kB
2016--Class04--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 112 kB
2016--Class05--for AA Posting.ppt 771 kB
2016--Class05--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 71 kB
2016--Class06--for AA Posting.ppt 1.1 MB
2016--Class06--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 102 kB
2016--Class07--for AA Posting.ppt 568 kB
2016--Class07--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 100 kB
2016--Class08--for AA Posting.ppt 448 kB
2016--Class08--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 59 kB
2016--Class09--for AA Posting.ppt 492 kB
2016--Class09--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 142 kB
2016--Class10--for AA Posting.ppt 219 kB
2016--Class10--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 49 kB
2016--Class11--for AA Posting.ppt 282 kB
2016--Class11--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 93 kB
2016--Class12--for AA Posting.ppt 350 kB
2016--Class12--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 105 kB
2016--Class13--for AA Posting.ppt 316 kB
2016--Class13--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 135 kB
2016--Class14--for AA Posting.ppt 529 kB
2016--Class14--for AA Posting--Handout Version.pdf 128 kB