Biblioteca de Recursos
Toolkit:A guide to starting and running an AuthorAID journal club
In this guide, we outline the steps to starting and running your own AuthorAID journal club and share learning from our existing journal clubs.
Toolkit:Peer review the nuts and bolts: A guide for early career researchers
Peer Review: The Nuts and Bolts 2 - an updated version of a guide written by Voice of Young Science members for Early Career Researchers.
Responding to Reviewers: What to Expect and How to Do it
By Adeline Boettcher
Peer Review - the nuts and bolts
Peer Review - the nuts and bolts
A guide for early career researchers
"The Pathway to Publishing: A Guide to Quantitative Writing in the Health Sciences"
Openly accessible guide by medical epidemiologist Steve Luby and scientific writing specialist Dorothy Southern. 115 pages. Based on experience teaching public health scientists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Also largely applicable to scientific writing in other disciplines.
Publons allows peer reviewers to track, verify and showcase their peer review contributions across the world's journals.
"Editing Your Writing"
Two-page handout from the University of Melbourne. Intended for students but also can aid others.
A Short Guide to Ethical Editing for New Editors, Version 2
From COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics), Published 15 January 2016.
"Editing and Proofreading Your Own Work"
Article from the AMWA [American Medical Writers Association] Journal.
Editando tus propios artículos científicos y propuestas: Cómo sorprender a colegas y lectores
Este material fue preparado para ser presentado en el Encuentro Anual 2014 de la AAAS. Acá podrás encontrar listas con aspectos básicos que debes revisar en un artículo científico o una propuesta de financiamiento antes de enviarlos para su publicación.