Biblioteca de Recursos
Data Science - a Guide for Society
'Data Science - a Guide for Society' by Sense about Science
The SAMPL Guidelines for Statistical Reporting
"Basic Statistical Reporting for Articles Published in Biomedical Journals: The 'Statistical Analyses and Methods in the Published Literature' or
The SAMPL Guidelines” by Thomas A. Lang and Douglas G. Altman. These statistical-reporting guidelines can help authors, editors, and peer reviewers. Most of the content is applicable not only to biomedical but also to other fields.
"Errors in Correlation and Regression Analyses"
By Tom Lang.
"Errors in Descriptive Statistics and in Interpreting Probability Values"
By Tom Lang. From the series "Common Statistical Errors Even YOU Can Find", published in the AMWA [American Medical Writers Association] Journal.
"Errors in Multivariate Analyses and in Interpreting Differences between Groups"
By Tom Lang.
"Errors in Data Displays"
By Tom Lang.