Biblioteca de Recursos
Website that, as stated on its homepage, "provides a large collection of English as a Second Language (ESL) tools & resources". Among the items provided: information on phrasal verbs and irregular verbs, a grammar glossary, self-quizzes, articles and blog posts, discussion forums, a collection of idioms, and materials for teachers.
Association of American University Presses Resources
Resources for authors, scholarly publishers, libraries, and others. Includes a grid listing main subject areas of interest of member presses. Also includes a set of FAQs on permissions and copyright.
Free software for reference management and related tasks. Used with the Web browser Firefox. Recommended by some members of the AuthorAID e-mail discussion group.
Describes itself as "a free reference manager and academic social network". Recommended by some members of the AuthorAID discussion list.
Taylor & Francis Author Services
Author resources from a publisher of many journals. Includes author guides on various aspects of writing and publishing journal articles.
Internet Resources for Patents
Website, from the University of Delaware Library, providing links to many online resources about patents. Includes links to resources about patents in general, about patents in specific countries, and about searching for and applying for patents.
English Communication for Scientists
Online guide from the Nature Publishing Group.
Proposal Writing Short Course
Tutorial from the Foundation Center. Includes versions in English, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian. Focuses mainly on applying for funds from private foundations for service projects. Includes many ideas, however, that also pertain to seeking research grants from various sources.
Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism
Video blog post by prominent medical editor George Lundberg. Emphasizes the need to avoid plagiarism and identifies some tools for detecting plagiarism.
Grammar Girl
Provides guidance on English-language grammar, punctuation, word choice, etc.