Biblioteca de Recursos
Class 7--Intensive Course in Research Writing
PowerPoint presentation from Intensive Course in Research Writing, held 27 June through 15 July 2011 at Texas A&M University. Session included presentations by some class members about their work, a segment on aspects of writing style, and most of a segment on ethical and other issues. To make the file small enough to download rapidly, pictures were omitted from the version posted. Including discussion and a break, the session ran about 3 hours.
Class 8--Intensive Course in Research Writing
PowerPoint presentation from Intensive Course in Research Writing, held 27 June through 15 July 2011 at Texas A&M University. Session included presentations by some class members about their work, the latter part of a segment on ethical and other issues, and a presentation on publishing a paper. To make the file small enough to download rapidly, pictures were omitted from the version posted. Including discussion and a break, the session ran about 3 hours.
Association of American University Presses Resources
Resources for authors, scholarly publishers, libraries, and others. Includes a grid listing main subject areas of interest of member presses. Also includes a set of FAQs on permissions and copyright.
"Plagiarism: Why is it such a big issue for medical writers?"
Article, by Natasha Das and Monica Panjabi, in the April-June 2011 issue of the journal Perspectives in Clinical Research. Although primarily for medical writers, also can aid authors in other fields. Includes a section on types of plagiarism and a set of tips for avoiding plagiarism.
Approaching a Writing Project
From the AuthorAID Workshop on Research Writing, Nepal, 14-17 March 2011.
Publishing a Journal Article
From the AuthorAID Workshop on Research Writing, Nepal, 14-17 March 2011.
Writing Scientific Papers in English: Tips and Resources
Text slides from presentation given at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Writing Scientific Papers in English: Tips and Resources
Presentation given at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism
Video blog post by prominent medical editor George Lundberg. Emphasizes the need to avoid plagiarism and identifies some tools for detecting plagiarism.
Approaching a Writing Project
From the AuthorAID Workshop on Research Writing, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 21–24 June 2010.