Una red global de investigadores

Biblioteca de Recursos

How to Handle Authorship Disputes: A Guide for New Researchers

Creado por | Jun. 13, 2010
Advice on dealing with--and preventing--disagreements about who will be listed as an author. Also includes explanations of concepts related to authorship. From a publication of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

APA Style Website

Creado por | Ene. 30, 2010
Website about APA (American Psychological Association) style, commonly used in the social and behavioral sciences. Also provides related guidance. Among items included in the website: information about the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, a tutorial on basics of APA style, sample papers using APA style, a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs), and a blog on APA style.

Author Resources from Elsevier

Creado por | Dic. 27, 2009

This Web page provides links to resources that the publisher Elsevier has developed to help authors write and publish scientific papers. The resources include a video of a presentation titled "How to Write a World Class Paper", a PDF file of slides from a version of this presentation, and an "ask the editor" section containing editors' answers to questions. Although intended primarily for authors in pharmacology, these resources can help authors in many fields.

Academic Phrasebank

Creado por | Oct. 19, 2009
This website contains phrases that can be suitable to use in journal articles and other writing about research.

Editing and Publication: A Handbook for Trainers

Creado por | Jun. 13, 2009

Written as a companion to Editing and Publication: A Training Manual (also in the AuthorAID Resource Library), this handbook provides guidance in planning and giving training courses on science editing and related subjects. It also includes exercises suitable for such courses. The handbook is easy to read.

Editing and Publication: A Training Manual

Creado por | Jun. 13, 2009

Intended mainly for "editors and publication officers at research institutes and extension agencies" in developing countries, this easy-to-read manual contains much good advice. The chapters on editing are are especially good; some other parts, such as those on printing and photography, are now out of date, as the technology has changed since the manual appeared in 1991. This manual, published by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), was written by editor Ian Montagnes as part of a training project. It contains many examples from agriculture.

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