Biblioteca de Recursos
5 Lessons on Writing for the Public
by Anne Trubek, for Chronicle Vitae.
Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles
By the National Library of Medicine.
How Bayesian inference works
Video and blog post by Brandon Rohrer.
Fast and Made to Last: Academic blogs look to ensure long-term accessibility and stability of content
LSE blog post by Christof Schöch.
Beware the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test!
Article by Eric Feigelson and G. Jogesh Babu, Center for Astrostatistics, Penn State University.
Research literature for Sudan
A list of research literature sources that available in Sudan for free through INASP.
Research literature for Somalia
A list of research literature sources that available for free in Somalia through INASP.
Research literature for South Sudan
A list of research literature sources that available in South Sudan for free through INASP.
Choosing Effective Keywords
Concise advice on selecting appropriate keywords for journal articles.
AuthorAID Travel grants second set 2017 - PDF copy of application form
PDF copy of application form - AuthorAID Travel grants second set 2017