Biblioteca de Recursos
How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists
By Jennifer Raff
Responding to Reviewers: What to Expect and How to Do it
By Adeline Boettcher
How to Avoid Plagarism
By Raimo Streefkerk on Scribbr
5 Lessons on Writing for the Public
by Anne Trubek, for Chronicle Vitae.
Lessons from the Asian Scientist Writing Prize 2015
by the Asian Scientist Magazine.
Naomi Oreskes: ‘Discrediting science is a political strategy’
Interview with Naomi Oreskes by Zoe Corbyn, The Guardian UK.
How Bayesian inference works
Video and blog post by Brandon Rohrer.
Fast and Made to Last: Academic blogs look to ensure long-term accessibility and stability of content
LSE blog post by Christof Schöch.
Podcast:Citing Africa podcast - Identifying the right journal for your work
Downloadable podcast
Peer Review - the nuts and bolts
Peer Review - the nuts and bolts
A guide for early career researchers