Biblioteca de Recursos
"Writing a Scientific Paper—A Brief Guide for New Investigators"
A section-by-section guide to writing journal articles reporting scientific research. Also includes guidance on choosing journals and information about the publication process.
"The Pathway to Publishing: A Guide to Quantitative Writing in the Health Sciences"
Openly accessible guide by medical epidemiologist Steve Luby and scientific writing specialist Dorothy Southern. 115 pages. Based on experience teaching public health scientists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Also largely applicable to scientific writing in other disciplines.
Writing and Publishing Journal Articles: Ways to Decrease Stress and Increase Success
Presentation given to the Sri Lanka Medical Association in March 2015.
Effective Mentorship in Research Writing and Networking Between Institutions to Promote Research Writing (Workshop)
From a workshop organized by the Research Promotion and Facilitation Centre (RPFC), University of Colombo Faculty of Medicine.
"Predatory Publishers"
Provides links to information on topics such as predatory journal publishers, predatory book publishers, bogus (fake) conferences, predatory publishing practices, and avoiding predatory publishing.
How to Pitch to a Science Editor
A SciDev.Net Practical Guide.
Think. Check. Submit.
Resource for helping to determine whether a journal is trustworthy.
"How to Find an Academic Mentor"
Advice for finding and evaluating potential mentors. Includes sets of questions to consider.
Effective Mentorship in Research Communication: A Case-Based Workshop
From a workshop at the University of Colombo Faculty of Medicine.
SciDev.Net Practical Guides
Expert advice mainly on aspects of communicating science.