Biblioteca de Recursos
Naomi Oreskes: ‘Discrediting science is a political strategy’
Interview with Naomi Oreskes by Zoe Corbyn, The Guardian UK.
Predatory Journals: no definition, no defence
Nature 576, 210-212 (2019)
Data Science - a Guide for Society
'Data Science - a Guide for Society' by Sense about Science
Peer Review - the nuts and bolts
Peer Review - the nuts and bolts
A guide for early career researchers
Three Articles on Designing Figures and Tables
Two articles on designing types of figures, plus an article on designing tables.
Writing a Better Research Article
Article by Thomas A. Lang, an expert on scientific writing.
Tips of the week 1-25 (Bangla)
AuthorAID Tips of the Week 1-25, Bangla translation. A set of 25 weekly tips on writing, publishing, and related topics.
Identifying and using online research literature
Identifying and using online research literature
AuthorAid - A global network of researchers from 174 countries
Article by Jennifer Chapin, Programme Manager of AuthorAID. Originally published in the British Ecological Society Bulletin Volume 47:4, December 2016
"Online Resources on Writing, Publishing, and Presenting: Some Top Choices for the Medical Community"
Brief article in Ceylon Medical Journal.