Biblioteca de Recursos
Research Communication Skills Training Day Resources
From AuthorAID training day at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), 5 March 2014.
Writing and Publishing Your Research Article
Main content of a 2-day workshop given in Harbin, China, by Sara Gwynn. Based on AuthorAID materials.
20 Tips for Writing and Publishing Journal Articles
Presentation given in Harbin, China, by Sara Gwynn. Based on AuthorAID materials.
Core Presentations on Research Communication
Writing and Publishing Journal Articles: Ways to Decrease Stress and Increase Success
Day 1 of 2: PACN-INASP Post-Congress Workshop on Scientific Writing
Main slides from the first half of an AuthorAID workshop held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 28-29 November 2012. Major topics include approaching a writing project, choosing a target journal, and writing each part of a scientific paper.
Week 3: Intensive Course in Research Writing
Main slides from third week of 3-week intensive course given at Texas A&M University in summer 2012. Major topics include preparing curricula vitae (CVs), preparing grant proposals and progress reports, writing review articles, writing book chapters and books, being a peer reviewer, and presenting specialized information to the public. There also is train-the-trainer material on basics of teaching technique.
Week 2: 2012 Intensive Course in Research Writing
Week 1: 2012 Intensive Course in Research Writing
Main slides from first week of 3-week intensive course given at Texas A&M University in summer 2012. Major topics include deciding when and where to submit a paper, approaching a writing project, writing the methods section, writing the results section, preparing tables and figures, citing references, preparing and giving poster presentations and oral presentations, and writing the discussion section.
Writing Review Articles and Case Reports
Short presentation providing main points to remember about writing and publishing review articles and case reports. To keep the file small, photos have been deleted. From the IADSR International Conference 2012, "Fundamentals of Conducting & Reporting Research", Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 April 2012.