Biblioteca de Recursos
How to Avoid Plagarism
By Raimo Streefkerk on Scribbr
5 Lessons on Writing for the Public
by Anne Trubek, for Chronicle Vitae.
How Bayesian inference works
Video and blog post by Brandon Rohrer.
Fast and Made to Last: Academic blogs look to ensure long-term accessibility and stability of content
LSE blog post by Christof Schöch.
Choosing Effective Keywords
Concise advice on selecting appropriate keywords for journal articles.
ARRIVE Guidelines
Guidelines for reporting research using animals.
The CARE Guidelines (for Case Reports)
Guidance on writing medical case reports.
Free e-learning course in research ethics
The Global Health Network has launched a free, open access e-learning resource: Research Ethics Online Training (http://globalhealthtrials.
"Guide on Writing in African Studies Journals"
"How to Write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences"
A 28-page guide from the professional association IEEE. Among topics addressed: ethics in scientific publication, deciding whether to present at a conference or write a journal article, identifying conferences and journals suitable for one’s work, developing a manuscript, revising, and peer review. Interactive, with links to other resources.