Biblioteca de Recursos
Think. Check. Submit.
Resource for helping to determine whether a journal is trustworthy.
"How to Find an Academic Mentor"
Advice for finding and evaluating potential mentors. Includes sets of questions to consider.
"How to Write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences"
A 28-page guide from the professional association IEEE. Among topics addressed: ethics in scientific publication, deciding whether to present at a conference or write a journal article, identifying conferences and journals suitable for one’s work, developing a manuscript, revising, and peer review. Interactive, with links to other resources.
Journal Advisor
Set of online resources for authors of journal articles. Includes an aid to choosing journals to which to submit papers. Also includes a manuscript-submission checklist, writing advice for non-native users of English, guidance on writing cover letters and on responding to peer review, and other items. From Edanz.
Taylor & Francis Author Services
Author Resources from Elsevier
This Web page provides links to resources that the publisher Elsevier has developed to help authors write and publish scientific papers. The resources include a video of a presentation titled "How to Write a World Class Paper", a PDF file of slides from a version of this presentation, and an "ask the editor" section containing editors' answers to questions. Although intended primarily for authors in pharmacology, these resources can help authors in many fields.