Biblioteca de Recursos
Grant Proposals (or Give me the money!) (Chinese Translation)
Good basic advice on applying for grants.
"Writing Grant Proposals: Advice from a Grant Reviewer" (Chinese Translation)
Chinese translation of a presentation by Bernard Appiah, who has been a peer reviewer of grant proposals. From the AuthorAID Workshop on Research Writing Skills, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 15-19 March 2010. Translated by Wenhua LU, a graduate student in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University.
"A Resource on Proposals and One on Plagiarism" (Chinese Translation)
Chinese translation of AuthorAID blog post. Contains English text followed by Chinese translation. Translated by Wenhua LU, a graduate student in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University.
"A Survey, Some Tips, and a Glimpse" (Chinese Translation)
Chinese translation of AuthorAID blog post. Contains English text followed by Chinese translation. Translated by Wenhua LU, a graduate student in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University.
"A Tiger of a Grant Proposal" (Chinese Translation)
Chinese translation of AuthorAID blog post. Contains English text followed by Chinese translation of main content. Translated by Jiang CHEN, an editor at the Journal of China Medical University, China Medical University.
"Good Advice on Applying for Grants" (Chinese Translation)
Chinese translation of AuthorAID blog post. Contains English text followed by Chinese translation of main content. Translated by Jiang CHEN, an editor at the Journal of China Medical University, China Medical University.
Preparing Grant Proposals and CVs (Chinese translation)
Chinese translation of presentation from AuthorAID workshop, National University of Rwanda, February 2009