Biblioteca de Recursos
Selected Presentations: Writing and Publishing Journal Articles (Chinese Translation)
Presentations by Barbara Gastel at a workshop at Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, in June 2017. Translated into Chinese by Dr. Jianjun Zhang, Journal of Capital Medical University.
"Ethical Issues in Journal Publication" (Chinese Translation)
Basic ethical issues in writing for and editing journals. Main topics: authenticity and accuracy, originality, credit, ethical treatment of humans and animals, and conflict of interest. Also introduces resources. Translated by Wenhua LU, a graduate student in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University.
"Writing Grant Proposals: Advice from a Grant Reviewer" (Chinese Translation)
Chinese translation of a presentation by Bernard Appiah, who has been a peer reviewer of grant proposals. From the AuthorAID Workshop on Research Writing Skills, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 15-19 March 2010. Translated by Wenhua LU, a graduate student in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University.
"Scientific Writing: Tips and Resources" (Chinese Translation)
Chinese translation of presentation from the South-South Initiative (SSI) workshop held in Iguassu Falls, Brazil, on 22-25 October 2010. Offers basic advice on scientific writing, introduces AuthorAID, and notes other resources. Translated by Wenhua LU, a graduate student in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University.
Writing the Methods Section (Chinese translation)
Chinese translation of presentation from AuthorAID workshop, National University of Rwanda, February 2009
Citing References (Chinese translation)
Chinese translation of presentation from AuthorAID workshop, National University of Rwanda, February 2009
Publishing a Journal Article (Chinese translation)
Chinese translation of presentation from AuthorAID workshop, National University of Rwanda, February 2009
Writing the Introduction (Chinese translation)
Chinese translation of presentation from AuthorAID workshop, National University of Rwanda, February 2009
Writing in English about Research (Chinese translation)
Chinese translation of presentation from AuthorAID workshop, National University of Rwanda, February 2009
The Structure of a Scientific Paper (Chinese translation)
Chinese translation of presentation from AuthorAID workshop, National University of Rwanda, February 2009